A Quick Portable Doll Bed. Does your new doll need a bed, a nice comfy place to rest? Make her a quickie bed. Make a pillow mattress long enough for her (about 20 in when done). Sew two rectangles (about 24 in X 11 in) right sides together. You can hand stitch the 2 long sides and one short side then turn the bag right side out and stuff with something soft like old pillow stuffings or polyfil or old panty hose. You can make some really cute co-ordinating little pillows the same way and Voila! your doll has a great bed which is portable. Make some "blankets" using a scrap of old fleece or some sheets using a scrap of an old sheet--just hem the edges by turning up to the wrong side and stitching. Any other ideas? Have you made a bed, post a comment with link to your photo. Join this blog.
Yummy doll size cookies and bread that you can eat! I am getting ready to do a photo shoot for Christmas and Thanksgiving with my dolls. I found a little bag of tiny Lorna Doone cookies that are just the right size for my dolls and good enough for me to eat too. I got them at the checkout counter in my grocery store. I noticed there are little tiny loaves of bread for parties that would make great little edible sandwiches too.. Invite your dolls and friends! Do you have any ideas about tiny edible food? Post it here!