
Posted by bayan

Work is in progress, and new dolls are on the way... They are almost done, but today I have to take a break, organize my desk, and start another project that I have to finish by the end of the week.
Organizing my desk when it gets to this state is no easy feat, but putting aside the nearly completed dolls for a few days is truly heart breaking. I can't wait to see them finished!

And now another Sock doll workshop I am going to conduct next mounth:

*Just a reminder that if you would like to get updates about my workshops, you are welcome to join my mailing list.

תזכורת - לגבי רשימת התפוצה, אם אתם מעוניינים לקבל עדכונים שוטפים לגבי סדנאות, שלחו לי מייל.